PET Driver Basics

Adding a Driver to a PET

To add a PET Driver to a PET, simply left-click and drag the driver icon from the Part Browser and onto the PET canvas.

Adding a Parameter Study Driver to a PET

Adding a Parameter Study Driver to a PET

Design Variables

A Design Variable placed inside a PET Driver will appear as a port on the Driver’s PET model and can be connected to PET Analysis Blocks.

Adding a Design Variable to a PET Driver

To add a Design Variable to a PET Driver, simply open the PET Model by double-clicking on the PET Driver in the PET Canvas and drag the Design Variable icon from the Part Browser and onto the canvas.

Adding Design Variables to a Parameter Study Driver

Adding Design Variables to a Parameter Study Driver

Range Attribute

Each Design Variable has Range attribute that can be set by the user. This range can be expressed in a few different ways:

  1. A single string or numeric value. E.g. 25.0 or "Diesel".
  2. A real-number interval. This can include closed or open intervals. If the interval is expressed without either parentheses or brackets it is assumed to be a closed interval. E.g. 1,10 signifies a closed interval between one and ten and (0,10000] signifies a half-closed interval from zero exclusive to ten thousand inclusive.
  3. A semicolon-separated enumeration of either quoted strings or numbers. E.g. 2;3;5;7;11;13;17;19 or "red";"blue";"green".

Setting a Design Variable’s range


Objectives are used to specify which values we want to record or optimize towards during the execution of the PET. An Objective placed inside a PET Driver will appear as a port on the PET Driver’s PET model and the outputs of PET Analysis Blocks can be connected to it.

Adding an Objective to a PET Driver

To add an Objective to a PET Driver, simply drag the Objective icon from the Part Browser and onto the PET Model canvas as you did with Design Variables.

A Parameter Study PET Driver with Design Variables **a** and **b** and Objective **c**

A Parameter Study PET Driver with Design Variables a and b and Objective c