
Welcome to the documentation for the OpenMETA tools.

The OpenMETA Tools

The OpenMETA tools are an integrated, open source, model-based platform used to design and analyze complex systems. They comprise a modeling environment, a test execution framework, and a results management and visualization system.

The OpenMETA tools have been used to create satellites, vehicular systems, and consumer electronics. OpenMETA allows users to model a system with multiple domains in a single model to better manage the synchronization and interactions between these domains.

Benefits of OpenMETA

  • Create and maintain a unified model that leverages various domain models in one location (i.e. CAD, Behavioral, Schematic, Data sheet)
  • Allow designers to consider and analyze all of the component choices available for a design.
  • Quickly rule out infeasible design choices through the use of constraints.
  • Allow designers to directly evaluate designs against design requirements.
  • Rapidly make changes due to changing requirements, new technology, or design changes.
  • Leverage the capabilities of complex domain tools without requiring expertise.
  • View data for a large number of designs at once.
  • Allow designers to create components from scratch or import components from outside of our library.
  • Gauge the cost of ideas before designs are finalized.

Using the Documentation

This documentation should be used as both an installation guide and primer for those who are beginning to learn OpenMETA as well as a reference guide for experienced users. The first half covers everything you need to get started using OpenMETA including installation instructions, step-by-step tutorials, and a plethora of example models. The second half of the documentation clearly details the various components of the OpenMETA tools and explains all the various concepts, options, and attributes that are afforded by them.

If you are getting started, the next chapter will guide you through installing the OpenMETA tools, and the Hello World chapter will walk you through creating your first OpenMETA project. When you have completed both these chapters, the Next Steps chapter will help you find the most useful next steps to gaining proficiency with OpenMETA.