Welcome to the Metamorphosys Windows Beta Testing Site, supporting Google's Project Ara. The Windows Beta version of the Metamorphosys tools allows users to get familiar with our tools, and to start building and testing a module design. Testers will be able to bring their designs over to Web version of the tools in early Summer, with support for multi-user collaborative editing and improved design visualization.
See Metamorphosys Tool Introduction to learn more about what they are and what they can do.
Installation and Setup has download and installation instructions.
LED Tutorial is a step-by-step, beginner-level tutorial that shows how a designs can be built and analyzed with the META tools.
Case Studies contains a collection of example designs made by MetaMorph and other Beta testers for others to open and use as a starting point.
Building A Design shows users how to start assembling components and running analyses for their module from an empty design.
Chapters 6-10 contain additional information about the tools including component library, domains, connectors, modeling utilities and Ara test benches.
Issue tickets for bugs and tool suggestions on our Public JIRA. Click the "Create" button at the top of the linked page.
META Tools: Project Ara Feature Demonstration
A brief demonstration of some of the analysis features that can be used when designing Ara modules with the META tools. Click here to watch the video on YouTube.
META Tools Overview at the First Project Ara Developer's Conference
MetaMorph Software co-founder Janos Sztipanovits presents the motivation behind the META tools during a talk at the first Project Ara Developer's Conference. Click here to watch the video on YouTube.