.. _led_getting_started: Getting Started --------------- To view all the results of this tutorial you should install Autodesk EAGLE as described in the :ref:`eda` subchapter. If you choose not to install EAGLE, you will still be able to complete the whole tutorial. Downloading the Tutorial Zip File ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To complete this tutorial you will need to get a copy of the tutorial files. You can do this in one of two ways: 1. Clone the `OpenMETA Examples and Templates `_ repository. You will then find the necessary files in the ``led-tutorial`` folder. 2. Download the `LED Tutorial Model `_ zip file. Unzip this folder to the location of your choice. Setting Up Directory ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Once you've acquired and navigated to the tutorial files, double-click ``LED_Tutorial.xme`` to open it in the **GME**. 2. Save the project to the directory provided by GME (where your ``.xme`` file is located), taking note of this directory as you will need to access this location later in the tutorial. .. note:: Resources in the OpenMETA project are referenced relative to the ``.mga`` or ``.xme`` project file and this relationship must be maintained. For example, you must not move the ``components/`` folder that is included in this example.